oil pipeline

Oil and Gas Solutions

Railway station and gas-processing factory on horizon.

The Methane Moment: An Interview with Debbie Gordon

Debbie Gordon is a senior principal in the Climate Intelligence Program at RMI, where she leads the Oil and Gas Solutions Initiative. Gordon also serves as a senior fellow at the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs at Brown University and the principal investigator for the Oil Climate Project. This interview was conducted by RMI Editorial Director Christian Roselund.

Methane: A Threat to People and Planet

Methane is out of control and we need to manage it—to protect people and the planet. This main component of natural or fossil gas is a vastly more potent warming agent than CO2 over short timeframes, is accompanied by highly toxic chemicals, and when leaked can be a major health…

How to Fix Flaring for a Quick Emissions Win

A new year has arrived, and with the new presidential administration, climate change is again on the agenda in the United States, the world’s largest gas producer. The oil and gas industry has a quick win within reach to cut emissions—by putting out the fire of natural gas flaring. Oil…

high-quality 3d image of satellite

For Emissions Monitoring, Satellites Shouldn’t Fly Solo

Monitoring greenhouse gas emissions from space is taking off. While it used to take a decade or more to design, build, and launch a new satellite, it now takes half that time. A proliferation of public- and private-led satellite efforts are becoming operational to measure methane, carbon dioxide, and other…

Colorado Agrees: Routine Flaring and Venting Should Be Anything but Routine

Colorado recently became the second US state to overhaul and tighten gas flaring and venting rules, joining Alaska in prohibiting routine flaring and venting. This means that companies can only legally flare and vent gas during upset conditions and not for longer than 24 hours. Other states are expected…